Tuesday 19 June 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t….

With the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, alhamdullillah, I’m able to create my own blog now, since this is my first post of my blog, I would like to introduce myself. My name is HAFIZ, often called as HAFIZ by my comrades. I’m now studied at International Islamic University of Malaysia located at Gombak in Kulliyyah of Engineering and my majoring is Aerospace Engineering. This is my first year in the main campus since to enter this main campus, I need to go through IIUM Foundation centre for half and a year to learn for the basic before further in the main campus. My high school is Sekolah Dato’ Abdul Razak, which is one of the all-boys school in Malaysia, located in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. So, enough with the taa’ruf.

This is my University which is International Islamic University of Malaysia
Why this blog ?

I created this blog is just for fun. No special objective of the creation of this blog. This blog is for me to post about my life, my college life and maybe my entire life. I will post in two language or maybe more. I’m really sorry if I made any grammar mistake in my post because I’m not so good in writing English. To made a post in English also one of my way to improve my English. Sae goes to other languages. If I post using other languages, I’m really apologize for any mistake that if have done.

This is a picture of my classmate at Sekolah Dato' Abdul Razak
What is the content of this blog ?

Hurm, for this blog, I actually want to post about my life. So that, went I open this blog, I can refresh my memory on the event that I had going through. As we all know, sometimes, when we join a program, we feel very bored through the activities that we do in that event, but, after the event done. There are a lot of memory that left behind that can we remember in our entire life. Furthermore, I also want to post note that I studied during my lecture time. This is to help me memorize the important point of my studies.

Why you use the dooodolls character ?

Actually, the dooodolls character is quite style for me. So that, I love to make it as one of my favourite character. The most favourite character of mine is reddish twin, sunny twin, ninja and charco. So, in other word, I love something that is style for me. Although the item is cheap or too expensive, but if it is style in my eyes, I will get it for sure. Before I forget, I also will post on any style item that I preferred to get.

So, that is all for my first post of this blog. Hopefully, I’ll get another time to update my next post. InsyaAllah. And pray for my studies too=]


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