Sunday 26 August 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!!!=]

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

First of all, rseny still xterlambat nk wish Happy Eid Mubarak ataupn Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kpd seluruh kaum Muslimin di dunia ini. Maaf zahir dn Batin ye. Taqaballallah hu minna wa minkum.

This is my family + Hamdi n Mak Long
Ha, so, post kali ni of course la psl hari raya aidilfitri. So, pada thn 2012 ni, sy dan keluarga telah balik ke kampung sebelah ayah di Kg. Cahaya Baru, Pasir Gudang, Johor. Act, sbnrny ikut turn, klau thn ni sebelah ayh, mkneny next year sblh mk la plak kt Tg. Malim, Perak. So, hari raya thn ni biase2 je la J, lpas solat sunat aidilfitri, blik rumah makan ketupat, rendang dan lain2 la. Then, ddk kt rumah je la, bkn ny rumah sy, rumah mkck sy sbb sebelah ayh, atok ngn nenek sy dua2 dah xde, Al-fatihah buat mereka. N rumah arwah skng ni abg ayh sy yg ddk. So, kre rumah dorg la.

1st BBQ night=]
2nd BBQ night=]
Hari raya pertama xde wt pape smpi la lbh krng pkul stu, bru la kteorg g raya 5 buah kereta skali J, best jgk la, tp kteorg just rye 4 buah rumah la, sbb stu rumah pn da nk dkt sejam plak rye J. So, then, raya pertama hbs kt c2 je. Then, rye ke2 pn sme jgk, xg mne2 sgt but the best event is in the night, ktorg ad BBQ night J, best!!!terbaik!!!...wlupn, xbpe nk sdap sbb xperap lme, but, the most important thing is everybody going out from the house and wait for the food, pastu, spupu sy yg kecik2 lg ni men bunga api, pergh!!!meriah…lme xrse suasana cmni.

Ni dkt rumah lme ayah=]
Tp, ad stu la xbpe nk best, thn ni pn cm thn lpas, xdpt duit raye lor L…uhuk3, xpe3, yg pntng raya J…on the next day, kteorg menuggu ketibaan kakak sy yg ke2 sbb dia xde time 1st rye n 2nd rye sbb xdpt cuti…so, ari ke3 la bru d smpi…n yg plng klakany, sbb dia xde time BBQ night tu, kteorg wt skali lg BBQ night, khas utk dia…hahaha

Dkt Teluk Sengat

Then, rye ke5, kteorg pn bertolak blk ke rumah msing2, pak cu blk KL, kteorg blk Pahang, pak uda ngn pakl ong plak stay kt Johor, sbb dorg mmg rumah kt sne….hahahaJ

Ayh dgn Hamdi
Bwk boat tu=]
With Hamdi
Along ngn Angah
Ha3, tu je la story for this year Aidilfitri, act, ad lg, tp xreti nk elaborate pnjg2, so, tgk la antara gmbr2 time rya ni kJ

Angah dgn Mak Long

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Saturday 25 August 2012

The Ultimate Nipster!!!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t…

Ha, lme kowt xpost pape kt blog ni, maklumlah bz la ktekn.hahaha, bkn bz ape pn, bz men game Enter the Nipster kt fb. Act, game ni sbnrny contest jgk…sape dpt high score plng tinggi dia r mng…dia ad 5 mini games ngn phase 2 pny game iaitu Nipster Texter.

Ni la 6 achievement utk jd Ultimate Nipster
5 mini games dia antarany ialah Test of speed, coordination, reflex, memory dgn accuracy. Ni time phase 1, dia ad progress bar by all the nipster. Nipster ni ialah player2 game ni. After all the progress bar ni full, bru la phase 2 activate, n start la weekly contest iaitu Nipster Texter. Game dia sng je, korg just kne men taip perkataan2 yg kuar utk open pix yg tertutup. Korg boleh taip smpi hbs sume perkataan yg trun or klau korg dpt teke pix ape yg tertutup tu, korg just type the true answer and go to the next pix. Haha, evry week, the top three in the Texter Leaderboard akn dpt prize iaitu Samsung Galaxy Note, Nintendo 3Ds n Instax Mini7s.

The prize!!!

The weekly prize go on until the 4th week. So, that’s mean ad 12 winners la. But, ad 1 lg grand prize for the ultimate nipster who will get Macbook Air 11”. The person with the highest overall score will be entitled as the Ultimate Nipster.

And thanx to Allah s.w.t and Alhamdulillah bcoz with His permission, I had been entitledas the Ultimate Nipster=]…yay!!!Alhamdulillah…but, I still don’t get the prize,  now, I’m waiting for the notification from the Nips=]. So, ape yg nk bgtw kt cni, usaha sy men game ni mmg berbaloi, klau nk tw, mak, ayh, along, angah, n cik.Q bnyk kali sruh sy stop men…haha, but I still continue playing=]…and finally, I made it. Alhamdulillah. So, the moral of the story, never give up until the end, and the most important things, always pray for Allah’s guide and pray for His help.


So, tnggl bbrpa ari je ag nk kne blk UIA, hopefully this sem will be better than before=]

Oh, last but not list, Hepy Eid Mubarak=], takaballallahhu minna waminkum=]


Sunday 19 August 2012

Pix sekolah =]

Assalamualaikum, haha, lme gler xpost pape....hehe, sbuk sket men game, post ni just simple gler, it is my previous schools pic :)

Teman dekat di mata, dekat di hati, SDAR

SK Taman Bukit Maluri

SK Segambut